Friday, December 14, 2012

Music/Life Update Friday, Dec. 14th, 2012

Well.....It's been more than a few weeks since I've updated so....

Seems I'm usually busier than a one-armed juggler concerning music and life in general.
But, when ya drop a ball just need to pick it back up and get it airborne again, ha!
There's always so much to do and never enough time...
Sure wish time would slow about you?

Have been working on several new songs, doing a lot of songwriting, (as usual),
trying to catch up on collaboration projects (am so behind), it never ends, lol!
Then there's all the online sites to keep up with....including Twitter...
not a good idea to spread yourself too thin!

The best thing that happened since my first blog was having several songs played on UNIR1 Radio.
Had a lot of great feedback, TY Scott & Debbie, I appreciate you and hope to keep working with you in the near future.
Seems my song 'Better Days Tonight' is definitely most everyone's fave. 
'Hari-Kari' did well too.

If you have time I'd love to have you drop by Reverb Nation and have a listen to some of
my music. Many of the songs (lyric and vocal melodies) are projects I joined at
It's really nice to be able to work with musicians from all over the world!
You'll find all the details in the lyrics tab.
Let me know which song is your favorite (-:

Here's my Reverb link: 

Til next time,
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas....

Olivia/aka~Turquoise Rose~

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