Saturday, September 22, 2012

Music: Introduction

Welcome to my first true music blog journal which will include where I've been, where I am and where I hope to go concerning music, (but not necessarily in that order, ha!)
I'm hoping to keep up with it and give updates at least once a week or sooner depending on what's happening.
*If anyone along the way has any questions please feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them.

Have a 'muse'-ical day!


*One lifetime isn't nearly enough to experience music's vast array of diversity...

There are so many different genres to explore and I continually find myself inspired by
and attracted to most of them for different reasons & on various levels.

*From its endless range of emotion to it's innate idiosyncrasies…

Music has a soul of its own...breathtaking, captivating!
Its course changes and grows with the times…it is pliable yet steadfast!

*Music is a ceaseless river of creativity...

Sometimes I just enjoy laying back on its bank, closing my eyes and listening to it flow...
Music helps me unwind by enticing me to peel off the clinging clothes of circumstance that detour productivity,  jump into its current no matter what mood I'm in and let it take me wherever it wants to go…
When I'm lost and parched in a desert of trials I scoop music into my hands and drink myself back into a hydrated state of creativity. Music is in essence, a life saver!
It's my safe haven in chaos…my vent when faced with adversity…it keeps me balanced during quakes of tragedy...raises my resistance to fight oppression…heals my heart and takes my spirit on flights of fancy into the wild unknown…

I honestly don't even like to think about where I'd be today without it.
Life often puts on the breaks, but music always accelerates!

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